【Special feature】Our useful way to search for a lyric at UtaTen

【Special feature】Our useful way to search for a lyric at UtaTen

【Special feature】Our useful way
to search for a lyric at UtaTen

A more convenient way to search for lyrics.

We have various functions to search for lyrics even if you don’t know the title or artist name. Please use them!
How to search
(1)Let‘s search with hiragana.
If you don’t know the song title or artist name in “kanji” or “English ”, don’t worry ! We have a function to allow you to search in hiragana. Please try it !
(2)Refine your search by entering both title and artist’s name
Usually it takes time and gives you stress to search with either title or artist name ... But our refine search function makes it stress-free by entering only a few conditions.
For example, when you want to see lyrics of [koi] sung by [Hoshino Gen], how to search is [here]
(3)Search with the first line
We'll help you find that precious song again that you happened to once come across.
When you are impressed by the song’s first line , even if you don’t know any other part of the song , use our first line searching function.
We promise you will find that song again!
(4)Search with a phrase of the song
"I only have a faint memory of the song, just some phrases..." That's no problem! Use our phrase searching function. You will find the song you are looking for!
More advanced searching is possible
“No title, artist name or lyrics imformation...but what’s that song?” Impossible to search ? Well ,you can! Try our unique functions below before you give up.
(1)Search with tie-up imformation
When the song is used in a TV drama, anime, movie, CM or even used as an official team sport song, you can search with the song's tie-up information .
For example , when you want to search for a song used in [Boku no hero academia] how to search is [here]
(2)Search with hashtags
You can search for a song with a word that is the most searched by users at a moment.
We have another special function to search with hashtags which is different from our regular searching function .





  • ランキングには出てこない、マジ聴き必至の5曲!
  • これだけはおさえたい邦楽名盤列伝!
  • これだけはおさえたい洋楽名盤列伝!
  • Key Person
  • Listener’s Voice 〜Power To The Music〜
  • Editor's Talk Session


  • 〝美根〟 / 「映画の指輪のつくり方」
  • SUIREN / 『Sui彩の景色』
  • ももすももす / 『きゅうりか、猫か。』
  • Star T Rat RIKI / 「なんでもムキムキ化計画」
  • SUPER★DRAGON / 「Cooking★RAKU」
  • ゆいにしお / 「ゆいにしおのmid-20s的生活」
